
Showing posts from January, 2018

Making February Kindness Month

February is often looked upon as kindness month and February 17 th is known as Random Acts of Kindness Day. We have decided to promote kindness throughout the whole month at the Honeycomb Hub to send positivity and love for each other into the world around us. Let’s encourage everyone to make February kindness month. If you post on facebook or Instagram try using #kindnessmonth #makingFebruarykindnessmonth. I started this post by simply typing “kindness quotes” into the search engine and found there were so many beautiful ones that we are going to be posting a kindness quote on our facebook page every day throughout February. However, I particularly liked this one: Cooking for others. Photograph by Photographer Rachel  Bell.  No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted. Aesop.  I am a great person to have for an idea after an event but this month I am determined to capture those thoughts and walk back and complete them. For example, to the lady with a crying

I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading

All my life I have loved books and I was very fortunate that both my parents are avid readers themselves so modelled what a love of reading looks like from an early age. One of my favourite Christmas presents each year were the book tokens we were given by an Aunt which would mean the joy of book shop visits, perusing the shelves of beautiful new books and selecting the perfect new tomes for our personal libraries back home. We have a selection of Oxford Reading Tree books as well as levels of books for all ages to enjoy.  Although I loved books from before I could say the word books, I wasn’t such a fan of learning to read. My older sister is a bright cookie and she picked up learning to read fairly quickly. For me it was a bit of a battle, I just wanted the story without having to spend time learning to sound out each word. But as with all things, I got there eventually just in my own time.  And my younger sister was never a big reader… until, that is,  she found that on

New ventures at The Honeycomb Hub

The Honeycomb Hub is still so new, not quite 2 months old, and we are still finding our feet in Gaborone yet have already met so many wonderful people. Recently we have had many people stop in saying ‘we have heard about you but weren’t quite sure what you were’ – and the gratifying thing is that once they have come in for a look around, they come back with their children! So I thought I would write a little update on what is happening at our family centre.  What is there at the Honeycomb Hub? The Honeycomb Hub: a hive of activity nurturing the community, a place where everyone is welcome and no-one feels alone. A brief overview is that we are a family centre founded by 2 sisters (a primary school teacher and a personal trainer) comprising of the Hub, Tiny Town and the Studio. If you would like more detailed information on these areas please read this earlier blog post As a family centre, we want to be

Why HiiT?

When I talk about HiiT some people give me a slightly puzzled look thinking that I am talking about martial arts – something that I have zero experience in (however if you are interested, I can recommend Fitness, Fun and Health through martial arts at Actions Sports, Bull and Bush). No, when I refer to HiiT I am talking about High Intensity Interval Training rather than fisticuffs. So, what is high intensity interval training? In HiiT you focus on short bursts of intense activity followed by an even shorter interval of rest. For example, in our classes we often do 20 seconds of an exercise followed by a 10 second rest period, we repeat this 8 times before having a 60 second rest and moving onto the next exercise cycle. We continue this for 30 minutes. This particular breakdown is known as Tabata training. Below are some of the many benefits attributed to high intensity interval training from the amount of time it takes to its many health benefits. Time – when