
Showing posts from September, 2017


Pula is the currency here in Botswana which most aptly is the Setswana word for rain. I had known this before but hadn’t really considered how well named it was. (And did you know that the name was also chosen with the help of the public and that it is one of the most stable African currencies – gosh I can get distracted by Google!!) Like rain, money is indeed a blessing, it can cause difficulties if you do not have any and can be dangerous in large amounts.  Today we woke up to our second overcast day in a row but this sky became ominously heavy and was gun-metal grey by 11am when a thunder storm broke. I love a good storm. Thunder and lightning for me are not so very very frightening but rather the most amazing light and sound display you can get without having to pay for a West End show. However, I was not prepared for the effect the sudden downpour would have on the surrounding area. - I hadn’t realised the poor quality of my wiper blades, having not had to use them re