Making February Kindness Month

February is often looked upon as kindness month and February 17th is known as Random Acts of Kindness Day. We have decided to promote kindness throughout the whole month at the Honeycomb Hub to send positivity and love for each other into the world around us. Let’s encourage everyone to make February kindness month. If you post on facebook or Instagram try using #kindnessmonth #makingFebruarykindnessmonth.

I started this post by simply typing “kindness quotes” into the search engine and found there were so many beautiful ones that we are going to be posting a kindness quote on our facebook page every day throughout February. However, I particularly liked this one:

Cooking for others.
Photograph by Photographer
Rachel  Bell. 
No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted. Aesop. 

I am a great person to have for an idea after an event but this month I am determined to capture those thoughts and walk back and complete them. For example, to the lady with a crying baby at the supermarket, I shall offer to empty her trolley onto the checkout rather than just offering the sympathetic smile while my mind focuses on what I’m cooking later, when someone drops the things they are holding, I will help them to pick them up (a previous blog post about just this occurance - - ) and when I see a mournful dog on the street outside someone’s home, I will stop the car, ring the bell and ask if their dog has got out. I am also determined to lose a little of my British reserve by smiling and saying ‘Dumela’ to everyone I meet!

Kisses for a sad friend
Photograph by Rachel Bell
Quite often we find that the truest words come out of the mouths of children. Occasionally this may be when we don’t want those honest words to come out – “Mummy, has that lady got a baby in her tummy?” when your friend, who is most definitely not pregnant, visits. They also see the world through innocent eyes not tainted with any cynicism, envy and regret. I have a friend who has 3 daughters with beautiful spirits. One day the youngest, Phoebe aged 5, turned to her mother and said “Mummy, love can change the world.” Absolutely, yes it can! Her mother shared it on facebook with the accompanying #wow #never a truer word spoken #out of the mouths of babes. We can all learn from Phoebe and those words are what is driving us with our promotion of kindness month and in running the Honeycomb Hub generally.

We have been very fortunate to have benefitted from a lot of kindness in the setting up of the Honeycomb Hub with donations, a generous landlord and friends who would offer their time for sanding, building, plastering, painting, wallpapering and a myriad other things – we could always find a job for a volunteer! One of the things we are most grateful for is the monthly donation we receive from St Leonards Church in Sherfield on Loddon which allows us to offer free tea and coffee to everyone who comes in. We do have some visitors who feel that they would still like to make a donation and so we have a donations box which goes towards our chosen charity of the month.

Our Charity of the Month for February is the BSPCA as we know being kind is not simply reserved for humans. ( As well as our charity box for any spare change you may have, we are also collecting tins and bags of dog and cat food to take to the BSPCA. Keep an eye on our facebook page too ( )for our puppy play dates coming to the Hub, when the BSPCA will bring a few of their residents for cuddles and love. We also hope to have the puppies from Dipeo nursery come for a visit – a true act of kindness when Leesha and her team at Dipeo nursery discovered a Mum and 8 newborn puppies in a drain near the nursery they fed them and worked with the BSPCA to rescue them. Leesha is now adopting them at Dipeo nursery and will look after them until the puppies are big enough to be adopted while the mum, named Dipeo, will stay with Leesha at the nursery – such an awesome story!

 At the Honeycomb Hub we have had a visit from the Kindness Elves who will be helping us with our promotion of Kindness this month. The Kindness Elves are the inspiration of the wonderful Anna from the Imagination Tree. (I have mentioned it before but if you haven’t checked out her site before you are in for a treat as it is a treasury of creative ideas for playing with children:
The Kindness Elves are magical friends who love nothing more than to sprinkle kindness and joy wherever they go!  

They love to visit your home and spread this happiness with children, encouraging them to do small acts of kindness in their daily lives. This simple, yet powerful, idea of spreading kindness amongst kids has become incredibly popular with parents and teachers alike and we are thrilled that they have chosen to come and stay with us. Not only that, they have told us they are bringing some friends who will be prizes for our Capture the Kindness Poetry competition. A huge thank you to Anna & The Kindness Elves for their generosity. Come for a visit and see what they have been up to.  

We have also become RAKtivists! The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation believe in spreading kindness through schools, communities and homes and we are very excited to have joined them. They are very inspiring and we encourage you to join them too.

A friend in need is a friend indeed!
Photograph by Rachel Bell
Competition Time: Capture the Kindness
RAK have been running a photography competition entitled capture kindness for the last 11 weeks. We encourage you to join in theirs but we are also going to run our own version for the month of February. Our Capture the Kindness competition will have two parts.
1.       Firstly, a photography competition capturing moments of kindness. I am extremely excited to announce that it will be judged by photographer Rachel Bell. The winners will have their photographs as the first artworks in our gallery for local (and not so local) artists and they will receive a free months membership to the studio (adults) or free monthly bundle (children).
2.       A poetry competition for children of all ages. The poetry will be judged by The Honeycomb-Kalahwood Writers Collective and the prizes include a free monthly bundle of classes and play sessions as well as a donation of a Kindness Elves set from the the Kindness Elves at The  Imagination Tree. Full details of both competitions will be released on 1st February on our facebook page or please e-mail for more details.
So I urge you, make February your kindness month too. Not sure how to start? Here are a few ideas.
1.       Follow our facebook page where we shall be posting about kindness each day, sharing acts of kindness we have witnessed and giving ideas.
2.       Print off our February kindness calendar (available on our facebook page or send us your email address for us to e-mail you a copy.) 

3.        Take a look at the Random Acts of Kindness page and see if you too fancy becoming a RAKtivist.
4.       Create a Kindness Jar. Every time you see a member of your family being kind, write it on a note and collect them in a jar. At the end of the month, sit around the table together and read all the acts of kindness you collected over the month – great for getting the warm, fuzzy feelings. (Also an amazing tool to use in the classroom)
5.       Get writing – could you be inspired to write a kindness poem for our competition? Or perhaps a story about a kind act or make a zine about different ways to be kind? We would love to see what you create and share it with our community.
6.       We love these Random Acts of Kindness cards and the thought of placing them somewhere public others may see them e.g. Tuck them behind mirrors in a public wash room, put them into library books or slip them into friend’s packed lunches. Sure to bring a smile and a glow to the finder of the message. Also a great craft idea for making your own!
7.       Check out for beautiful little random acts of kindness. They will make your heart smile and you may just feel inspired for your next act of kindness!

We hope you will join us in making February Kindness Month and we would love to hear all about any kind moments you have had, to read any kindness stories you have written and are very excited to see the entries for our competitions.

Finally, be kind to yourself. Make time for you to breathe, relax and reset. Those moments of calm will energise you enabling you to regain your calm and positivity to take with you into the rest of your day.
My baby group early 2013 - our weekly meet ups were me making time for myself and my friends and allowed me to reset for the following week. The ultimate in kindness has been shown through their support, love and exchange of text messages when we were all up feeding at crazy-o'clock in the morning.


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