Reminding myself I'm only human

Some weeks, something has to give. Sometimes it is the food I cook and we survive off sandwiches and pasta with peas and ketchup (in my house this is a mothering win as my children honestly think it is the best meal ever …. Though big one would think it was even better without the peas!) Some weeks it is the clothes washing that gets left to pile up rather than doing a daily load and then my wonderful Christina arrives on one of her 2 days to be faced with a mountain of laundry. However this week it was finishing a blog post. 

Over the past 3 weeks at The Honeycomb Hub we have been working 6 day weeks with Saturday taken up with Rugbees (which we love, teaching 2.5-5 year olds the very basics of rugby) followed by taking our soft play to the Downs Syndrome Association party, the Bull & Bush Christmas Fair or hosting our first party at The Honeycomb Hub. My husband has spent a week working in England and it was our big ones 5th birthday as well as being open for our first full week. Things have rather got on top of me. 

I have just about managed to keep on top of the laundry, we have more or less been fed at the right time with the right combination of food groups (if maybe a little heavy on the chocolate side!) but the one thing to give this week was finishing my blog post in time. And so I do not have one. 

Rather than spending this morning rushing to finish, I have decided to spend it with my family. We are going to kick back in front of the television and watch some cartoons, we are going to build the Lego sets my son got for his birthday- though when I say ‘we’ it actually means I get the pleasure of watching my amazing 5 year old follow the instructions to build complex creations and I get to occasionally help him find the piece he needs! Lego is just the best practice for fine motor skills and developing logic. My little one is also building with Lego but creating his own masterpiece from our huge box.
I think we may even head out for lunch today and take the time for us to reconnect.

My plan for next week will be to finish my blog posts that are in progress and in time to get my wonderful mother in law to proof read them!  (Please note, I haven’t been as good at getting them to her recently and so any mistakes in the last few are all on me!) 

Now the 10 minutes I gave myself to do this are up and so it leaves me just enough time to say have a wonderful week and hopefully I shall have a more normal blog post ready and waiting next Sunday!



  1. I think you have your priorities just right darling dil. Enjoy your day with your loved ones and don't worry I can stay up all night to proof read!!!!


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