Bump into Mums

Pregnant women, new mothers, mothers of toddlers and teens all have questions. Questions that whirl round and round our heads and keep us awake at night when we could really do with the extra sleep. Questions such as “is it normal that he wakes up to feed every other hour” “why won’t she eat anything but chicken nuggets?” “what activities should I do with my child?”. Unfortunately, as my own mother tells me, the questions and worrying don’t stop even when they are grown, moved away and have children of their own!
Photograph by the amazing Rachel Bell
of Annie Bell Photography

When I was first pregnant, I was very fortunate to be a part of a new Mum’s group and together we figured out how to become Mums (and even became my best friends even if we do now span 3 continents!) We would meet up weekly to share stories and ask questions of each other- and we still do even though our eldest children are all now at school – the questions don’t stop!

Bump into Mums is our response to the many ‘mum’ questions we have been asked since opening and especially for those asking for breastfeeding advice. It is our new, free, weekly coffee morning for Mums in all stages – want-to-be-mums wondering if they have what it takes (I’m going to tell you now, you do!) pregnant Mums not quite sure to expect when going into hospital, new Mums just needing reassurance and experienced mums whose children are still surprising them. As well as creating a network of Mums sharing camaraderie and support for each other, we shall be inviting breast feeding experts, midwives and paediatricians to come and join us to answer questions, share thoughts and ideas or just enjoy a copy of tea in the company of amazing women doing the most challenging, rewarding, exasperating and wonderful job there is.

My incredible Mum Group - thank you for all the
love, advice and cups of tea (drunk half cold!)
Bump into Mums will run every Tuesday at The Honeycomb Hub 10am-12pm starting Tuesday 22nd May. It is free and at The Honeycomb Hub we have complimentary tea (5 Roses and Rooibos for those non-caffeine drinkers) and coffee for all our visitors. Children are always welcome, we have our free play area as well as Tiny Town, however it is also absolutely fine to leave your children at home for a bit of you time with adult conversation! All members of Bump into Mums will be invited to join the Bump into Mums facebook group so we can support each other throughout the week as well. Help us spread the word to all those fantastic Mums out there.

Finally, I just wanted to remind you that you are doing an amazing job. Feeling as though you can’t do it is a feeling I, and every mother in the world, have had … often! Having a pang of regret for the carefree lifestyle from when you were younger is also perfectly normal. And so is wanting to be the best Mother you can but not quite sure what to do. At Bump into Mums we will not judge, we will support each other and be a safe and loving place to ask those questions and seek advice. We look forward to seeing you there.

I am just going to leave you with a link to the awesome Kristina Kuzmic aka The Truth Bomb Mum. I thoroughly recommend following her on whichever social media platform you use. She is inspiring, hilarious and is the biggest supporter of Mums as she tells the world how it is! https://www.facebook.com/littlethingscom/videos/653687258173983/UzpfSTExMjA2MDYzODg1NzY2MzoxODQ3MDQ1MzM1MzU5MTc2/

Today is Mother's Day in Botswana, for all my UK readers
who think I have got a little confused!!


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